My Fitness Guru – Cassey Ho


This girl has been in my life for the last two years. She has made me smile, made me sweat, inspired me, motivated me, and above all, has made me strong. Her bright and cheerful personality has filled my days with colors, be it in the form of her vibrant nail colors or her lovely gym outfits which she keeps flaunting on the viewers, she just knows how to make someone’s day!

Guys, if you don’t already know about Cassey Ho, it’s time you should. She is running the No.1 Female Fitness Channel on Youtube.

I started working-out with Blogilates – Cassey Ho two years back. I had post-pregnancy weight on me and had no idea how to lose it. I couldn’t go to the gym at that time, since Mahid was so small. I finally decided to do something at home. Cassey Ho rolled in my life then. While going through different videos on Youtube, I got to know about Pop-Pilates. This was brand new for me, also very interesting, since, it was the middle ground of Aerobics and Pilates with pop music at the background. I loved it instantly and started searching for more videos. Cassey Ho, who introduced Pop-Pilates also had her website by the name of Blogilates.

Right from the very start, I loved her work. Everything about her was so inspiring! What makes her stand out in the crowd of fitness gurus on the internet, is her vlogging style. Her exercise videos are not boring at all. She talks and talks while making you exercise; telling funny stories from her life, her upcoming projects, new things she bought or a change in the house-decor she did. So by the end of the workout, you feel like you just had a chat session with your girl friend. And you know, how mentally relaxing those chats are!


Making Cassey my Fitness Guru: The best thing about following Cassey Ho and making her your fitness instructor is that you don’t have to do anything, except, following her. Just subscribe to her channel and she will take care of the rest. She gives a monthly calendar, which has a list of exercise videos you have to do everyday (just like a checklist). The videos are like 10-15 mins long, and each day has 4 to 5 videos in the list. Everyday is different, because, everyday she focuses on different parts of the body, so like Sunday could be Arms and Monday could be Legs etc.

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She has new videos coming up every week, which in itself is quite amazing! How she comes up with new exercises every week, is a mystery for me. But she is innovative like that! She also puts up a weekly healthy food video, where she shares the diet recipes and sometimes talk about general motivation stuff. It’s like a complete package and all this for free! Seriously, who does that? Cassey is, however, not a philanthropist. She is a fashion designer and designs gorgeous and trendy training outfits, which you can purchase from her. She also has other exercise equipments (like mats, water bottles, gym bags etc.) which she sells on her website. You can also purchase her app and get free checklists and a monthly video which is only available for the buyers of her app.

Source: Blogilates Facebook Page

So for you girls out there, who can’t go out to the gym or to the park etc., here is something you can try at home. I stopped doing Blogilates a couple of times in last months, but she has always rolled back in my life, for which I just want to Thank her!

You can follow her on, WebsiteYoutube Channel, Facebook and Instagram. I don’t remember, loving a fitness guru with soooooo much passion. I highly recommend her to fix yourself up!

Until next time!

Cheers! 🙂




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